Farmers Markets, Farm Stands, and Community Outreach Organizations
Program Tool Kit
Access program documents here including training manuals, paper issuance documents, and resources for approved growers.
Please use the following form to request printed materials and access AZFMNP flyers, program logos, and social media assets.
Download and read our Annual Report for 2021, 2022 and 2023
Watch our AZFMNP intensive course video
Prospective Sites
Do you operate a farmers market or farm stand with AZ produce? Consider applying to become an approved AZFMNP location.
Important Dates
February 1st
Start of FMNP Season
September 30th
Last day to collect coupons
November 30th
Last day to spend WIC/Senior coupons
December 31st
Last day to spend match coupons
Find A Market
Arizona has a variety of farmers market and farm stand locations that provide AZ FMNP coupons to eligible participants. Enter your zip code under “Find my AZFMNP market” to find your nearest participating location.